Fri 20-September-2024

Father Hanna voices solidarity with hunger striker Khader Adnan

Friday 21-September-2018

Father Atallah Hanna Archbishop of the Palestinian Orthodox Church in Occupied Jerusalem has expressed his solidarity with Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan who has been on hunger strike for over 18 days in protest at his arbitrary detention.

“We are voicing our solidarity with prisoner and national figure Khader Adnan and his hunger-striking fellow prisoners and we call on the media and human rights groups to give attention to this issue” Father Hanna stated during his meeting on Thursday with a delegation from Arraba town in Jenin the native town of prisoner Adnan.

“Although we are exhausted by many issues and there are conspiracies surrounding us from all sides we believe that the issue of hunger strikers like the issue of prisoners and detainees in Israeli jails in general should be given proper attention especially since they are our heroes and punished because of defending their people and confronting the occupation’s violations” the Archbishop added.

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