Mon 16-September-2024

Fayyadh accepts finance portfolio in unity government ALF backs without joining

Wednesday 21-February-2007

GAZA (PIC)– Salam Fayyadh the leader of the Third Path bloc in the PLC on Wednesday announced he accepted the finance portfolio in the PA unity government offered to him by Ismail Haneyya the premier-designate.

Fayyadh described the meeting with Haneyya as “good and positive” and added that the government formation was discussed.

He hoped that the government would be formed the soonest in order to deal with the missions awaiting it.

For his part Khalil Al-Hayya the head of the Hamas-affiliated change and reform bloc the largest in the PLC lauded Fayyadh’s acceptance of the post.

However the Arab Liberation Front (ALF) declared it would not join the unity government although it would support it.

Mahmoud Ismail an ALF leader and member of the PLO’s executive committee said that his Front would not participate in the government but would not obstruct its formation or work.

An ALF delegation met with Haneyya on Wednesday and left without delivering any statement to the press.

Ismail explained reasons for declining the offer mainly that his Front never joined any government after the Oslo agreement because it believes that it will not lead to attaining Palestinian national rights.

“We will not take part in anything that does not comply with our principled political stand” he said noting that the ALF would continue to back this government because “we need unity to resist occupation”.

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