Mon 16-September-2024

France condemns Israeli settlement plans in West Bank

Thursday 19-October-2017

France condemned on Thursday Israeli authorities’ recent decision to build new housing units in West Bank settlements.

“The uninterrupted continuation of the settlement policy confirmed by these new projects only serves to fuel tensions on the ground and undermines the prospects for achieving a just and lasting peace based on the two-state solution. In this respect the work in progress in Givat Hamatos and the announcements of new projects in the E1 area are especially troubling” reads a statement by the French foreign ministry.

“Settlement activity as reaffirmed by UNSCR 2334 is illegal under international law. The ongoing settlement activity has reached an unprecedented level since the beginning of the year: The progress of settlement projects tripled between 2016 and 2017. This sends a very negative message which can only undermine the necessary trust between the parties as reaffirmed by President Macron in July” according to the statement.

International law views the West Bank and East Jerusalem as occupied territories and considers all Israeli settlement-building activity there as illegal.

Nevertheless roughly 500000 Israelis now live in more than 100 settlements built on these territories since 1967.

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