Tue 2-July-2024

Gaza: 1500 families to receive building materials for their homes

Sunday 22-January-2017

Shipments of building materials for 1500 Gazan citizens affected by the 2014 war are expected to be allowed soon to enter the Gaza Strip by the Israeli occupation authority in accordance with the UN-sponsored GRM agreement.

The GRM an acronym for Gaza reconstruction mechanism allows Israel to control everything regarding the reconstruction of destroyed homes and gives it a veto over which families get building materials.

Deputy minister of public works Naji Sarhan said the Israeli authorities finally agreed on allowing in building materials for some affected families after it refused their entry for over six months.

Sarhan added that the UN would monitor 1500 affected Palestinian households and the construction process and provide Israel with detailed information in this regard.

He pointed out that there were initial approvals for about 1200 families and 300 others would be given approvals within a week.

However the Palestinian official expressed his belief that the GRM plan would never cover the reconstruction needs of Gaza stressing the need for a political will to abolish it and find alternative solutions.

Thousands of homes and buildings were destroyed completely or partially during Israel’s military aggression on Gaza in 2014 forcing families to use prefabricated homes and tents or rent apartments to live in.

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