Sun 29-September-2024

Gaza: 70 percent of fishermen may lose their source of livelihood

Saturday 10-December-2022

The Palestinian Fishermen’s Syndicate has warned that 70 percent of the Gazan fishermen may stop working within a year as a result of different Israeli restrictions on the fishing sector.

In remarks to al-Aqsa Voice radio on Saturday head of the syndicate Nizar Ayyash attributed the reasons for this problem to malfunctions in boat engines and other fishing equipment and the Israeli refusal to allow in essential fishing gear and needs.

Ayyash added that the UN pressured the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) to allow amounts of the fiberglass material for boat building and repair to enter Gaza but he affirmed that this step was not enough because the fishermen want to buy their needs of this material smoothly and with no delay through local importers and dealers.

He pointed out that the IOA also decided recently to prevent all sales of fish from Gaza to the markets of the occupied West Bank which had an adverse impact on the lives of fishermen and their families.

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