Wed 3-July-2024

Gaza: Families protest Israel’s violations against fishermen

Thursday 9-March-2017

The families of Palestinian fishermen have expressed their constant fear over the lives of their breadwinners who are exposed to daily attacks by the Israeli navy in Gaza waters.

This came during a protest sit-in for the mothers and wives of Gazan fishermen organized on Thursday morning by the women sector of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP).

The participants in the sit-in carried banners and chanted slogans condemning Israel’s daily violations against the fishermen in Gaza and calling for national and international action to protect them.

In a speech spokeswoman for the fishermen’s families Fatima Baker called on the Palestinian Authority and the concerned Palestinian and Arab organizations to protect the fishermen and help those affected by Israeli attacks.

Baker also demanded the Israeli occupation authority to release all detained fishermen from its jails.

For her part DFLP official Su’aad Baker urged the international community to pressure Israel to increase the fishing zone to 12 nautical miles in Gaza waters and hold Israel’s naval commanders accountable for their crimes against Palestinian fishermen.

Member of the DFLP political bureau Talal Abu Darifa for his part told the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) that the sit-in was staged to mark the International Women’s Day and to express solidarity with the mothers wives and daughters of the fishermen in Gaza.

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