Sat 29-June-2024

Gaza rocket hits Sderot house amid simmering tensions in J’lem

Wednesday 20-April-2022

An Israeli apartment sustained damage after a Palestinian rocket landed in Sderot on Wednesday night according to the Hebrew media.

Four Israelis suffered from shock following the rocket strike which triggered sirens in Sderot and Kibbutz Nir Am Israeli news reports said.

None of the resistance factions in Gaza claimed immediate responsibility for the renewed rocket fire which happened in the midst of spiking tensions in Occupied Jerusalem and repeated Israeli police violence at the Aqsa Mosque.

On Monday night Israeli warplanes attacked southern Gaza in response to a rocket launched from the besieged coastal enclave earlier in the day. However that rocket was intercepted by the Israeli anti-missile defense system.

It was the first rocket launch from Gaza in four months.

Days of police violence in Jerusalem and a sporadic exchange of fire between Gaza and Israel have raised the possibility that the two sides will once again go to war as they did less than a year ago under similar circumstances but both parties still have strong incentives to avoid another war.

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