Fri 25-October-2024

Gaza to set off new flotilla to break Israeli siege

Saturday 4-August-2018

A Palestinian committee in the Gaza Strip announced Saturday that a new flotilla of ships will be set off from the enclave Sunday in a bid to break the 12-year-long Israeli blockade on the Palestinian territory.

This was voiced in a press conference held by the National Movement to Break the Siege near Gaza port.

Spokesman for the committee Adham Abu Salmiya called on the Palestinian people in Gaza to rally on Sunday at Gaza port to “tell the world that the Palestinian people will continue their peaceful struggle until the Israeli blockade is lifted” because “Gaza deserves to live”.

Two flotillas launched from Gaza Strip during the past few months in an effort to break the siege were intercepted and attacked by the Israeli navy. The first set sail on 29th May while the second on 10th July.

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