Thu 24-October-2024

General strike to sweep 1948 occupied Palestine

Tuesday 6-June-2017

The High Arab Follow-Up Committee in 1948 Occupied Palestine held the Israeli government police and internal security minister responsible for the escalating violence and murder crimes in the 1948 occupied territories.

The Arab Follow-Up Committee slammed the Israeli police forces for cold-bloodedly executing 20-year-old Mohamed Taha and urged the Israeli government to dismiss Kafr Kasem police chief and police inspector general Rooney al-Sheikh.

The calls were launched following a meeting held early Tuesday morning in Kafr Kasem following the murder of Taha.

The committee called for a probe to identify those who gave instructions to attack the Palestinians of Kafr Kasem.

The committee announced a general strike on Wednesday and a series of protest moves across the 1948 occupied territories.

Tension has been running high in Kafr Kasem after the Israeli police forces aggressively attacked the Palestinian youths with live rounds teargas canisters and rubber bullets killing Taha and wounding others before imposing a curfew on the town. Dozens of protesters were arrested in the process.

Since the start of 2017 six Palestinians were killed in Kafr Kasem due to the increasing violent crimes amid slackness on the part of the Israeli police to deal with the rising phenomenon.

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