Sat 6-July-2024

Greek academics sign petition to boycott Israeli institutions

Friday 25-January-2019

Greek academics and researchers on Friday announced an initiative to boycott Israeli academic institutions in response to calls by the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS).

A petition signed by 61 Greek academics and researchers stated their commitment to the boycott of programs events and seminars related to Israeli academic and research institutions in protest at Israel’s violations of Palestinian civil and political rights.

They called on Israel to stop its illegal and inhumane actions in the Palestinian territories in general and the Gaza Strip in particular and put an end to its settlement and apartheid policies.

They also asked Israel to recognize the Palestinian refugees’ right to return to their lands occupied in 1948 as provided by the UN Resolution 194 and respect the Palestinians’ right to establish an independent state.

The Greek academics called on international organizations to “maintain a distance from Israel” until it abides by the UN resolutions and international laws and to continue to support the Palestinian cause at different forums around the world.

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