Sat 6-July-2024

Hamad: Hamas refuses to hold talks with Trump administration

Monday 1-April-2019

Senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad has described the administration of US president Donald Trump as “Zionist and partial to the Israeli occupation” stressing the need for boycotting it.

In a statement on Sunday Hamad refuted news reports claiming that he said that his Movement did not mind meeting with officials from the administration of Trump.

“What I have said recently is that Hamas does not mind holding meetings and talks with Americans and Europeans in general as a policy adopted by the Movement and I did not talk in particular about the US administration of Trump” the Hamas official stated.

“I am convinced that it is impossible to hold meetings or talks with the administration of Trump because it is Zionist and blindly biased in favor of the occupation and it systematically works against the Palestinian people’s legitimate rights” he added.

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