Tue 2-July-2024

Hamas DRA: Balfour pledge “null” right of return beyond all bargains

Friday 2-November-2018

The Balfour Declaration is null and void and it is a promise made by he who does not own to those who do not deserve” Hamas’s Department of Refugee Affairs (DRA) stated on Friday.

In a press release the office confirmed that Palestinian refugees’ right to return to their homeland from which they were forced out in 1948 by Zionist gangs is not a bargaining chip adding that this right is sacred for all Palestinian refugees.

“The Palestinian people will not accept partial solutions such as resettling the refugees in neighboring countries” the Hamas Refugee Division stressed.

It underscored the option of resistance as the only strategic choice by which the Palestinians can end the occupation restore their rights and liberate their holy sites.

Hamas Refugee Department called for protecting the rights of Palestinian refugees everywhere across the globe and to grant them a decent and secure life.

It further called on the Palestinian people to stand on guard in their anti-occupation struggle urging the Arab and Islamic nations to stand by the Palestinians and speak up for their just cause.

The Refugee Department hailed the Palestinian people in the occupied West Bank occupied Jerusalem blockaded Gaza and the diaspora for standing as bulletproof vests to every single inch of their land and holy sites.

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