Sat 6-July-2024

Hamas: Israel’s new confessions reflect its military failure

Saturday 14-August-2021

The Hamas Movement has said that the successive confessions from Israel’s military security and media circles about its operational failure during “the Sword of Jerusalem” battle confirms the Israeli occupation army’s growing impotence to confront the Palestinian resistance and al-Qassam Brigades of Hamas in Gaza.

In press remarks Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasem said that the repeated talk about the occupation army’s failure to decoy the resistance in Gaza especially its failure to lure fighters from al-Qassam Brigades into tunnels and kill hundreds of them reflected once again the level of al-Qassam Brigades’ intelligence capability and its ability to know and read Israeli plans and intents.

Spokesman Qasem added that the Israeli army’s confessed intent to use its air forces to commit carnage during the last war against Gaza resistance fighters confirms its fear of confronting them on the ground.

On Friday Israeli military sources asserted that the army’s investigations proved the failure of its ploy to lure a large number of al-Qassam Brigades fighters into entering defensive tunnels in order to make them targets for massive airstrikes.

The ploy was to spread claims through Israeli and international media outlets that Israeli forces started to carry out a ground invasion into Gaza to prompt al-Qassam fighters to go down into tunnels.

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