Fri 20-September-2024

Hamas: Israel waging an overt war on Palestinian presence in Jerusalem

Friday 22-July-2022

Hamas Movement considered in a statement issued Thursday the “Israeli issuing of dozens of demolition and stop-construction orders against Palestinian houses buildings and structures in occupied Jerusalem and planning to expand its demolition campaign over the next few days as a new crime and an overt war on the Palestinian presence in the holy city.”

This move will not succeed in imposing a new status quo in occupied Jerusalem or wiping out its historical features Hamas spokesperson for Jerusalem Mohammed Hamada said.

Hamada reaffirmed that Jerusalem is an exclusively Palestinian territory over which Israel has no sovereignty we stress that the Palestinian people will remain steadfast on their land fighting this fierce war with all means possible despite the US cover-up for the Israeli occupation which was clearly evident in the “Jerusalem Declaration” and the disgraceful inaction of the international community.

He further confirmed that intensifying resistance in all forms across the occupied Palestinian territories is capable of deterring the Israeli occupation schemes and putting an end to its daily crimes against the Palestinian people and their homeland and holy sites.

Over the past days the Israeli municipal authorities issued 92 demolition orders against Palestinian homes and facilities in Occupied Jerusalem.

The demolition orders were mainly reported in the neighborhoods of Silwan Jabal Mukaber Sur Baher Beit Hanina Al-Isawiya and Al-Tur.

According to Jerusalemite experts the intensified use of house demolition orders is aimed at forcibly displacing Jerusalemites and increasing social and economic pressure and restrictions on them.

Since the start of the year 80 demolitions have been carried out against Palestinian facilities in Occupied Jerusalem of which 37 were “self-demolished” by their owners to avoid the heavy Israeli-imposed demolition fees.

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