Thu 4-July-2024

Hamas: Our people have the right to defend themselves

Thursday 14-May-2020

The Hamas Movement has renewed its categorical rejection of all projects aimed at undermining the Palestinian people’s rights and liquidating their national cause affirming that the US deal of the century and Israel’s annexation plans are atop of these projects.

In a statement on the 72nd anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe) Hamas emphasized the Palestinian people’s right to resist the Israeli occupation with all means including the armed resistance as a strategic choice to defend themselves and restore their usurped rights.

Hamas also reiterated its adherence to the national unity option as a cornerstone to strengthen the national front in the face of the occupation and its plots.

“Hamas venerates the national unity and for its sake it has made many concessions and showed a lot of flexibility” the Movement said.

The Movement has saluted all Palestinian masses at home and abroad urging them to widely and actively participate in all events to be organized to commemorate the Nakba.

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