Sat 21-September-2024

Hamas PA delegations meets Saudi monarch discuss Palestine developments

Wednesday 7-February-2007

JEDDAH (PIC)– The delegations of Hamas Movement and the PA government have met Tuesday with the Saudi monarch King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz and briefed him on latest developments in the Palestinian arena.

The crucial meeting between Hamas and Fatah delegations will most likely be late Tuesday or early Wednesday sources in the two delegations revealed.

The Saudi king invited both Hamas and Fatah Movements to Makkah to engage in serious talks and to end the Palestinian infighting stressing that the Kingdom will exert all efforts to end the disputes and stop internecine clashes between the two Movements in Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

“The Arab and Muslim Ummah look at you today and expect you to give them glad tidings that you ended your disputes once and for all” the King said while addressing both delegations in separate meetings.

PA premier Ismail Haneyya asserted that his government was and still is determined to exert all possible effort to overcome all obstacles in order to reach an agreement enhance Palestinian unity and bail the Palestinian people out of the current crisis.

For his part Khaled Mishaal the head of Hamas’ political bureau affirmed that the Movement’s delegation came to the holy place with good and sincere intention to reach an agreement explaining that Hamas will cooperate with all parties to form a national unity government and resolve all disputed issues.

Shaer blocked again from leaving to Makkah:
Meanwhile the IOF troops banned for the second time PA deputy premier and education minister Dr. Nasser Al-Dien Al-Shaer from leaving Palestine; but it allowed PA planning minister Dr. Samir Abu Aisha to depart.

Both Shaer and Abu Aisha were supposed to join the PA delegation to Makkah talks between Hamas and Fatah but Israel on Monday blocked their departure. No reasons were unveiled behind the hold-departure order Shaer said.

But he belied rumors circulated by suspicious media apparatuses suggesting a deep rift in the PA government due to calls from PA ministers in the West Bank on Hamas to abandon sovereign ministries and described such allegations as “media crackers”.

However he underlined that PA ministers in the West Bank dislike the Makkah talks to go ahead without their presence affirming that two PA ministers from the West Bank namely Abdul Rahman Zaidan minister of public works and Abu Aisha will participate in the talks.

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