Thu 19-September-2024

Hamas: Raising graft claims against UNRWA seems not innocent

Friday 2-August-2019

The Hamas Movement has said that the revelation of corruption within UNRWA at this time will be in the interest of the Zio-American project.

In a statement on Thursday member of Hamas’s international relations office Basem Na’im called for necessarily holding the corrupt officials without compromising UNRWA and the Palestinian people’s rights.

“No Palestinian can accept any cover-up of corruption in UNRWA or seeing corrupt people escape accountability but it is obvious that disclosing corruption cases and releasing judgments in advance before investigations are concluded do not seem something innocent” Na’im said.

He expressed his belief that such corruption claims came at this particular time after the failure of the financial siege on UNRWA and were raised ahead of the upcoming vote on renewing UNRWA’s mandate in September.

The Hamas official pointed out that Israeli and US officials hastened to call for shutting down UNRWA following corruption leaks although there were more serious investigations into corruption cases against other UN institution but no one demanded their closure.

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