Fri 20-September-2024

Hamas: Resistance will continue till the end of the occupation

Friday 8-April-2022

The Hamas Movement mourned the Palestinian Raad Hazem who carried out Dizengoff shooting in Tel Aviv before being killed in an exchange of fire with Israeli forces in Jaffa early on Friday morning.

Hamas congratulated the Palestinian people in Jenin and its refugee camp over the “heroic operation” that affirmed that “Jerusalem and al-Aqsa are red lines.”

The group also called on Palestinian youths to continue resistance and confrontation against the occupation.

“Al-Aqsa Mosque which is threatened by the occupation and its settlers will be protected by the sit-inners our people and the resistance with all their strong determination and steadfastness” Hamas said.

“Resistance operations are a natural response to Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people” the Movement added.

“The continuing terrorism of the occupation and its crimes attempts to Judaize Jerusalem and to perform sacrifices in the Al-Aqsa Mosque to build its so-called ‘Temple’ during what they call ‘Passover’ against it stands blood and bullets.”

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine also considered the operation as a natural response to the Israeli settlement construction and growing attacks on al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine said that the Tel Aviv shooting attack proves the development of Palestinian resistance and failure of the Israeli security system.

The Islamic Jihad Movement also praised the Tel Aviv shooting. One of its leaders Haitham Abu Al-Ghazlan said: “It confirms that the resistance is the sole choice to restore Palestinian lands and rights.”

The Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) a coalition of a number of armed Palestinian groups hailed the “heroic operation” saying it “confused the Zionist enemy and proved its fragility and weakness.”

The operation “showed the ability of our Palestinian people and their resistant youth to take the battle to the depths of the enemy’s entity” the PRC said in a statement.

“It further proved that the spirit of challenge and resistance in our people exceeds the power of the Zionist enemy.”

Earlier Friday the Palestinian suspect who carried out the Dizengoff shooting in Tel Aviv was killed in an exchange of fire with Israeli forces in Jaffa early on Friday morning.

The man identified as Raad Hazem 29 from Jenin in the occupied West Bank was tracked down to nearby Jaffa and killed in a shoot-out.

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