Fri 20-September-2024

Hamas: Sword of Jerusalem “best response to Israel’s annexation law”

Sunday 27-June-2021

The Hamas Movement has described the Sword of Jerusalem battle as the best response to Israel’s annexation law (issued on 27–28 June 1967) and its violations in Occupied Jerusalem.

In a press release Hamas said “The Sword of Jerusalem battle turned the table over the head of the occupation as it thought that it could impose new faits accomplis in Jerusalem and attack our people there through suppressing and displacing them without the Palestinian people lifting a finger.”

Hamas called on the Palestinian masses across the occupied territories to continue their uprising for Jerusalem and respond to Israel’s ongoing aggression against their people in the holy city and the Aqsa Mosque hailing the sacrifices they make every day to defend the holy city.

The Movement also urged the Arab and Islamic worlds to play their role in defending the identity of al-Quds and the Aqsa Mosque and standing decisively against the normalization of ties with Israel which “emboldened it to defile the Aqsa Mosque and kill Gaza children.”

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