Sun 6-October-2024

Hamas: The US administration blatantly biased towards Israel

Thursday 16-February-2017

The Hamas Movement on Wednesday accused the current US administration of being completely and blatantly biased in favor of the Israeli occupation state and its violations against the Palestinian people.

“The successive US administrations were always biased towards the Israeli occupation and never worked seriously on helping the Palestinian people get their rights” Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasem stated on Wednesday.

Qasem also said that Washington always provided a cover for Israel’s aggression against the Palestinian people and its annexation of their land but this attitude escalated after hardline president Donald Trump took office.

The spokesman called on the Palestinian Authority to renounce the mirage of peace with Israel and stop dealing with the US as a mediator.

He stressed the need to reach a national agreement on a struggle program to confront the challenges facing the Palestinian cause.

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