Fri 20-September-2024

Hamas: We will not tolerate further violation of Islamic holy sites

Tuesday 31-May-2022

The Hamas Movement insisted on Tuesday that calls by mediators for restraint are unacceptable amidst the repeated violations by Israel of Islamic and Christian holy sites in Occupied Jerusalem.

The Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem said in a press statement that Hamas was contacted by several parties who feared the Movement would resort to escalation in Gaza following the flag march stressing that the Movement will not tolerate any further violation of Islamic holy sites.

“The Palestinian people and resistance will not stand idle by while Israel is repeatedly violating and desecrating the holy sites” spokesman Qassem confirmed.

On Sunday 29/5/2022 thousands of Jewish settlers organized a flag march in Occupied Jerusalem to celebrate the occupation of the eastern part of Jerusalem in 1967. At least 50 Palestinians were arrested and 79 injured after Israeli police attacked the Palestinians who tried to confront the settlers.

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