Fri 18-October-2024

Hamas calls for plan to end violence in Ain al-Helweh camp

Tuesday 5-September-2017

The Hamas media official Rafat Murrah called for drawing a plan that would protect Ain al-Helweh refugee camp in Lebanon put an end to violence and offer solutions for the crises threatening both of the Palestinians and the Lebanese living in the camp.

Murrah told al-Nahar Lebanese newspaper on Tuesday that his Movement is committed to security and stability in Lebanon and stressed the importance to prevent exploiting refugee camps in any plans that might cause problems to the Palestinian or the Lebanese people.

The Hamas leader expressed his Movement’s refusal of using violence policies of sabotage and assassinations or resorting to violence and weapons by any party.

He stressed the need to get all of the wanted Lebanese out of the refugee camp as well as finding a solution to the issue of the wanted Palestinians.

To find acceptable solutions for the crises of the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon Palestinians must achieve internal understanding and pursue joint work in order to maintain security and mutual relations the Hamas leader said.

Palestinians also have to show respect for the sovereignty and stability of Lebanon while on the other hand Lebanon has to abide by supporting the right of return refusing resettlement and offering Palestinians their basic rights Murrah underlined.

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