Thu 4-July-2024

Hamas chief hails Malaysia for kicking Israelis out of int’l contest

Saturday 19-January-2019

Political Bureau Head of Hamas Ismail Haneyya hailed on Friday the Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad for banning Israeli athletes hoping to compete in the 2019 World Para Swimming Championships set to be held in Kuching from entering the country.

In a letter to Mohamad Haneyya expressed Palestinians’ pride of Malaysia’s standpoint which he said makes part of the country’s historic support for the Palestinian cause.

He added that the ban is a proof of Malaysia’s unyielding pro-Palestine position solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people and strong condemnation of Israeli crimes.

The Hamas Chief lauded the efforts made by the Malaysian people government and NGOs to de-normalize ties with the Israeli occupation at a time when Israel’s oppressive polices and illegal settlement expansion on Palestinian land have hit the zenith.

Last Week Malaysia MP Mahathir Mohamad told reporters that his government will not allow Israeli swimmers to enter the country saying: “If they come then it is an offense.”

He said that since Malaysia a staunch supporter of Palestinian independence has no diplomatic relations with Israel and does not recognize it as a state it would be against the law to issue visas to the Israeli squad.

The 93-year old prime minister’s statement is in keeping with the country’s long-held policy toward Israel. In the past Israeli squads have been refused entry to compete in international sailing competitions and tennis tournaments in Malaysia.

Despite mounting pressure from the International Paralympic Committee and the Israeli Olympic Committee Malaysia is holding firm in its stance. “If they want to withdraw the championship hosting rights from Malaysia then they can try to do so” Mahathir firmly stated.

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