Sun 6-October-2024

Hamas delegation discusses Palestinian issues with Russian officials

Friday 5-February-2021

A senior delegation of the Hamas Movement arrived on Thursday in the Russian capital Moscow as part of a visit to discuss ways to restore Palestinian national unity and preparations for the Palestinian general elections.

The Hamas delegation included the head of the International Relations Office Musa Abu Marzouq a member of the Movement’s political bureau Zahir Jabareen in addition to the Movement’s representative in Moscow.

On Thursday afternoon the Movement’s delegation held a meeting with Presidential Special Envoy for the Middle East and Africa Mikhail Bogdanov. The Deputy Head of the Middle East Department in the Russian Foreign Ministry Alexei Skoyerev also attended the meeting.

Hamas delegates discussed with Bogdanov several issues including the Palestinian political developments mainly the holding of general legislative presidential and National Council elections and the Movement’s efforts to ensure success of the democratic process.

For his part Bogdanov welcomed the Movement’s delegation and affirmed the firm Russian position on the Palestinian issue and support for the rights of the Palestinian people.

Furthermore he expressed his country’s keenness to restore Palestinian unity and that Russia is always ready to provide everything necessary toward that end.

Hamas’s delegation concluded the meeting by expressing its appreciation for the supportive and important position of the Russian Federation at international forums and affirmed the continuation of joint coordination.

Meanwhile the Hamas delegates met on Friday with a senior delegation of the Islamic Jihad Movement led by its Secretary-General Ziad Nakhaleh in Moscow.

During the meeting both parties discussed Palestinian political developments and emphasized the necessity of continuing efforts to restore national unity based on partnership and resistance to foil the plots aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause.

The Islamic Jihad delegation arrived earlier in the Russian capital to discuss Palestinian developments with Russian officials including the reconciliation file. It left Moscow on Friday afternoon.

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