Mon 16-September-2024

Hamas denounces assault on Sheikh Yousef

Tuesday 27-February-2007

NABLUS (PIC)– The Hamas Movement on Monday denounced the Israeli jailors assault on MP Sheikh Hassan Yousef while being transferred to the Ofer military court.

The Movement issued a statement in Nablus saying that the Israeli attack on the MP which also included spraying him with gas was an act of humiliation to the entire Palestinian people that elected him to represent the people.

Hamas also condemned the Israeli prisons authority’s decision to extend solitary confinement of Sheikh Jamal Abul Haija and Hassan Salama for one more year.

Sheikh Abul Haija has been spending most of his detention in isolation at unconvincing security pretexts while the real reason is to punish the Sheikh who is one of the most prominent Palestinian prisoners.

The Movement furthermore said that the Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli Damon jail are currently suffering from inhuman practices such as cutting water supplies and depriving them of basic life necessities.

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