Mon 16-September-2024

Hamas slams Israel’s Um al-Hiran demolitions

Wednesday 18-January-2017

The Islamic Hamas movement has condemned on Wednesday the Israeli demolition of 12 Palestinian houses in Um al-Hiran village in Negev earlier today.

A Palestinian youth was cold-bloodedly killed by the Israeli police at daybreak Wednesday as they demolished 12 Palestinian homes in Um al-Hiran.

In a brief statement member of Hamas’s political bureau Ezzat al-Resheq slammed the move considering it a serious escalation against Palestinians.

He also praised the strong determination and steadfastness that people of Um al-Hiran showed in challenging the Israeli demolition policy.

A home to some 400 Palestinian families Um al-Hiran has been increasingly subjected to Israel’s schemes of ethnic cleansing in an attempt to uproot the village and deport its native Palestinian residents setting the stage for building Jewish-only towns.

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