Wed 3-July-2024

Hamas slams new US designation of Palestinians living in J’lem

Thursday 12-March-2020

The Hamas Movement has condemned the US state department’s designation of the Palestinian population of Jerusalem as “non-Israeli citizens” calling it “another crime committed by the US administration against the Palestinian people.”

“Such hostile attitude by the US state department is part of the major crime called the deal of the century that represents the vision and interests of the extremist Zionist right wing” Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasem stated in a press release on Thursday.

Spokesman Qasem stressed that all the Zio-American attempts to change the identity of Jerusalem city and its indigenous people or affect their adherence to their holy sites would be doomed to failure.

“No force on earth can change the historical facts and the reality” he added.

“Despite this joint Zio-American aggression our people will continue their struggle until their rights have been restored” the spokesman underscored.

In a human rights report released on Wednesday by the US state department the traditional designation used by the US to describe the Palestinians in east Jerusalem was changed from the Palestinian population in the holy city to “Arab residents” or non-Israeli citizens.

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