Sun 15-September-2024

Hamas warns against trying to overthrow the government

Friday 8-December-2006

GAZA (PIC) — Thousands of worshipers marched today after the Friday prayers from all the mosques in Gaza to the Palestinian Legislative Council headquarters in support of the Palestinian government and its Prime Minister Ismail Haneyya.

Dr. Ismail Radwan Hamas spokesman delivered a speech at the rally in which he warned against any attempt to overthrow the elected government. He stressed that his movement is committed to Ismail Haneyya’s government and called for avoiding any steps that might lead to internal strife.

He also said: “We want Haneyya to be our Prime Minister .. and call on the movement to keep Haneyya as the Prime Minister of this government or any future government.”

Dr. Radwan added that Hamas showed great flexibility during the negotiations to form a national unity government to help break the siege including giving up the premiership and giving up 5 other ministries but “we felt that there was a trend [within Fatah] which aimed at negating the election results.”
“The Palestinian government will not bargain and will maintain the resistance option.”

He thanked the Arab states that stood by the Palestinian people “especially Qatar which broke the siege by paying the teachers salaries and showing readiness to pay health employees” adding that “Hamas will maintain the resistance option and everyone should respect the choice of the Palestinian people.”

He finally called upon all Arab and Muslim countries to put the Foreign Ministers decision into practice and break the siege imposed onto the Palestinian people.

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