Fri 20-September-2024

Hamas warns of Israeli scheme to blur Islamic monuments in Jerusalem

Tuesday 12-November-2013

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– Israeli Municipal crews have started on Sunday distributing demolition orders in Wadi Hilweh neighborhood south of al-Aqsa mosque as a prelude to implement the project ” Kdam complex – Ir David – the old town Basin ” in the courtyard of the Mughrabi Gate entrance to the town of Silwan.

The publications show that the project aims to establish a touristic building which includes a park at the expense of the ​​”national park” and to reveal an archaeological site.

The Local Committee in the Israeli municipality has asked any person affected by the project to appeal against it within 60 days according to the publication. The appeal will not be accepted unless provided with reasons and attached documents to confirm it has been built with permit.

Wadi Hilweh Information Center confirmed that the project is built on an agricultural land adjacent to al-Aqsa mosque belonging to Silwan town. The land was occupied in 1967 and then confiscated and used as a parking lot in 2003. Elad settlement association has then taken control over it aiming to turn it into a settlement project.

Kdam complex is built on an area under which a number of Israeli tunnels have been dug between Ein Silwan and al-Buraq Wall the center added.

In a related matter Hamas movement has warned of implementing Kdam complex project saying that it aims to confiscate more Palestinian lands adjacent to al-Aqsa mosque as a prelude to Judaize Islamic monuments in the area.

Hamas warned the occupation of implementing the Judaization project considered it an attack on Islamic historical monuments dating back to the Mamluk and Abbasid era.

The movement stressed that the Israeli schemes will not succeed to blur Islamic monuments in occupied Jerusalem. It called on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and UNESCO to immediately intervene to put an end to Israeli violations against Islamic historical monuments.

It also called on PA to halt security coordination and negotiations as a response to the continued Israeli siege crimes and attacks against Islamic monuments and holy sites.

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