Wed 3-July-2024

Haneyya: Palestinians will undermine “deal of century”

Saturday 18-December-2021

Ismail Haneyya head of Hamas’s political bureau said that the Palestinians will trample underfoot the US-drafted “deal of the century” and former US president Donald Trump’s announcement to recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital.

Speaking at the 21st International Academic Conference on Jerusalem Studies via Zoom on Friday Haneyya stressed that Jerusalem is the core of the Palestinian struggle with the Israeli occupation.

Haneyya outlined four points that offer a framework in the context of the struggle against the Israeli occupation and protecting Palestinian holy sites: reaffirming that the Palestinian cause is the title of unity in the Arab and Muslim world and not only the Palestinians and raising awareness that the Israeli occupation is the arch-enemy of the Arab and Muslim world and that Jerusalem is the core of the Palestinian struggle in addition to bolstering comprehensive resistance as a strategic option for liberation.

“The option of comprehensive resistance above all the armed struggle is the strategic option to achieve liberation and end the Israeli colonial occupation of Palestine” Haneyya continued.

To win the civilized struggle with the Israeli occupation the Hamas chief urged the Arab and Muslim world to get engaged in this struggle at all levels fight the Israeli occupation financially isolate the Israeli occupation and tarnish its image worldwide reaffirming that Jerusalem is the core of the Palestinian struggle and calling for science to be used as a key and strategic weapon in this battle.

Haneyya called for setting up a plan to confront the media strategies that the Israeli occupation use to falsify awareness and alter facts.

Addressing the Israeli schemes and attempts to Judaize Jerusalem during the forthcoming Muslim month of Ramadan Haneyya confirmed: “We are totally convinced that these schemes are bound to fail in the face of the steadfastness awareness and resistance of the Palestinians and the whole Ummah”.

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