Fri 20-September-2024

Haneyya calls for comprehensive Palestinian national reconciliation

Tuesday 13-February-2007

GAZA (PIC)— PA premier Ismail Haneyya has addressed his people Monday and invited them to a comprehensive national reconciliation based on genuine brotherhood and social justice.

He also explained that a high committee comprising factions’ leaders and local dignitaries among others will be established very soon in order to tackle repercussions of the latest unfortunate clashes in Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

“We have put the sacred Palestinian blood before our minds and hearts during the Makkah meeting and had strong determination to bail our people out of the crisis because internecine harms our unity and serves only our enemies” the PA premier underlined.

In this context Haneyya urged Palestinian factions and political powers especially Hamas and Fatah to shield the agreement and to support it so as to help bolster inter-Palestinian relationship.

The premier furthermore asserted that he will immediately start meeting Palestinian factions represented in the upcoming PA unity government in order to form the coalition government as fast as possible.

“We will not spend a lot of time in this regard and we shall take faster steps to wrap up everything the soonest possible” Haneyya underlined.

USA must respect the will of the Palestinian people:
In addition Haneyya urged the USA to stop its double-stand policy and to respect the will of the Palestinian people asserting “This is our vision and the world has got to respect it and look up to our people’s will”.

Hailing the encouraging Arabs Muslims and many EU countries’ stands towards the Makkah agreement Haneyya underscored “The road is now paved and therefore all parties should take advantage of the current Palestinian harmony in order to push for breaking the unjust siege that was imposed on the Palestinian people and to retrieve Palestinian usurped rights”.

He explained that the Makkah agreement stressed four crucial points namely end of inter-Palestinian infighting forever forming the national unity government restructuring the PLO on new and firm basis and political pluralism.

Based on the Makkah agreement Haneyya will form the new PA unity government but he confirmed that a lot of files await the new government including the issue of the thousands of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails security condition in the PA-run lands the issue of the Aqsa and lifting the economic blockade on the Palestinian people among other thorny files that he underscored could be easily overcome once Palestinian people remain consolidated and united.     

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