Fri 5-July-2024

Haneyya calls for strong Arab and Islamic positions on Palestine

Friday 18-May-2018

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya has called on leaders of the Arab and Islamic countries to form a united front to protect the Palestinians and confront the dangers targeting their national cause.

In a letter addressed to the Arab foreign ministers meeting in Cairo Haneyya urged the Arab leaders to take a firm and strong position putting an end to the blatant US bias in favor of Israel.

The Arab foreign ministers met Thursday at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo Egypt to discuss the recent developments in Palestine and Israel’s mass murder of unarmed protesters on the eastern border of Gaza.

Arab League head Ahmed Aboul Gheit slammed the US administration for moving its embassy to Occupied Jerusalem saying the step encouraged Israeli violence against the Palestinians in Gaza.

Haneyya also called for developing an Arab and Islamic action strategy aimed at boycotting and isolating the Israeli occupation state in all fields and prosecuting its war criminals at international courts.

He emphasized the need to reject “all decisions” that undermine or detract from the Palestinian people’s rights and national constants especially the US recognition of Jerusalem as an Israeli capital and to stand against attempts by some regional countries to go along with the US administration’s approach in dealing with the Palestinian cause.

The Hamas official also called for necessarily working on ending the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip for over 12 years and taking urgent steps to address the population’s severe humanitarian suffering.

His letter also stressed the Palestinian people’s legitimate right to defend themselves extract their rights and realize their aspirations to liberate and return to their land and establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

The letter also extolled the Palestinian masses in Gaza and the West Bank for marching en masse in support of Occupied Jerusalem.

Haneyya also sent a special message to Turkish president Recep Erdogan in which he valued his strong position following the recent Israeli massacre on Gaza border and his decision to expel the Israeli ambassador from the country and convene an extraordinary summit on Palestine for leaders of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states.

He expressed hope that the decisions to be taken during the summit which will be held on Friday would amount to the size of sacrifices made by the Palestinian people throughout their history in defending their land and holy sites on behalf of the entire Muslim nation.

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