Thu 19-September-2024

Haneyya committed to unity government based on national harmony document

Wednesday 22-November-2006

Gaza – PA Prime Minister Ismail Haneyya has affirmed that he was committed to a PA unity government based on the national harmony document that all factions accepted and signed.

He also explained that he and his government had taken all the necessary steps to push forward the formation of the coalition government without ceding Palestinian national constants.

Heneyya’ remarks came during a meeting on Tuesday with a delegation of the Palestinian people’s party in his office in Gaza city where he highlighted the need to include all Palestinian political spectrums in the discussions over the unity government.

Furthermore the PA premier unveiled that there was “tangible” progress in this course elaborating that the parties have agreed on the political program of the coalition government the next premier and the general framework of the unity cabinet among other important points.

However Haneyya acknowledged that the discussions were hitting a number of snags; but he stressed efforts to overcome those obstacles were momentously going on.

For its part the people’s party delegation asserted that the concept of the unity government means that all Palestinian parties especially signatories of the national document must participate in the political process.

Haneyya had earlier met with a delegation from the DFLP that grouped the front’s prominent political leader Saleh Zaidan among other DFLP leaders. They discussed progress of talks on the coalition government as well as the relentless IOF aggressions on the Palestinian people.

Local Palestinian parties block unity government:
On the other hand PA foreign affairs ministry accused local Palestinian quarters of attempting to block the formation of the PA coalition government.

Taher Al-Nono information officer of the ministry lashed out at Palestinian officials who hastily gave false statements to the media that the talks on the unity government were suspended.

“Some PA officials came out on the air and spoke before media apparatuses that negotiations on the coalition government were frozen. Such statements were maliciously made purposely to derail the negotiations ” Nono charged in allusion to Nabil Amre the information advisor of the PA presidency.

Amre’s “fallacious” statements were immediately denied by Nabil Abu Rudaina the spokesman of the PA presidency who affirmed that the negotiations were going on and on the highest echelons.

Nono further flayed Yasser Abed Rabbo the PLO’s executive committee member for describing the national harmony document as “not valid to be a national program” describing the statements as “clear reneging on the national unity project”.

“We are really surprised at those strange statements that question the validity of the national harmony document as a national program as the officials who uttered such statements were promoting it few months earlier as the only solution to bail the Palestinian people out of the political crisis” Nono underlined.

He added that the national harmony document was signed by all Palestinian factions as the basis for any national and political programs of any PA government and therefore he explained any attempt to disavow it would harm that Palestinian national venture.

Furthermore Nono charged those quarters with trying to disregard the political program of the majority bloc represented by Hamas Movement and to push their own political program although they were the minority.

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