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Haneyya in Cairo urges Arabs to implement decision of breaking siege

Wednesday 29-November-2006

PA prime minister Ismail Haneyya has stressed that the Arab world must implement the resolution adopted by the Arab foreign ministers in Cairo three weeks ago calling for the immediate annulling of the economic blockade on the Palestinian people.

Haneyya’s remarks came as he met with Egypt’s intelligence chief Omar Suleiman in the Egyptian capital Cairo Tuesday night adding that Egypt can play a crucial role in translating the Arab decision on the ground.

PA spokesman Dr. Ghazi Hamad who is in Haneyya’s company described the premier’s talks with Suleiman as successful adding that both officials discussed a number of issues in the Palestinian arena and the region.

In a press statement he made after the meeting Haneyya revealed that Suleiman will fly to Tel Aviv to meet Israeli officials on the proposed prisoners’ swap deal adding “There are more than 10000 Palestinian inmates in Israeli jails waiting for the sun of freedom to shine on them so that they may reunite with their beloved ones”.

He also noted that Palestinian factions have collectively accepted the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the entire Palestinian lands occupied by Israel in 1967 with Jerusalem as its capital.

“The ball is in the international and regional powers’ court; hence whoever indeed wants stability and calm to prevail in the region should help the Palestinian people realize that dream” the PA premier underlined.

Talking about latest developments pertaining to the unity government Haneyya emphasized that Palestinian parties have achieved a lot in this regard noting that his government “went very far with the aim to help bring the talks into full success”.

“At the end we should form that coalition government in order to protect our national venture end the internal rift among Palestinian factions and group all Palestinian people in one trench in their battle against the Israeli occupation” Haneyya asserted.

The PA premier furthermore stressed that the declared truce applies to the West Bank and is not only limited to Gaza Strip as the two regions are Palestinian lands that couldn’t be separated.

He warned that IOF troops’ continued aggressions on Palestinian people in the West Bank will definitely cancel the truce.

Haneyya embarked on the tour which is his first since he assumed the premiership post in the PA in a bid to enlist greater Arab and Muslim support for the Palestinian people and the Palestinian issue. He is expected to visit Syria Saudi Arabia and Qatar among other Arab states according to sources close to him.

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