Wed 3-July-2024

Haneyya meets with Egyptian delegation in Gaza

Saturday 13-July-2019

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya on Saturday met with the Egyptian delegation to the Gaza Strip hours before they left.

According to a statement released by Haneyya’s office Haneyya held a second meeting with the Egyptian delegation on Saturday where bilateral relations as well as the recent developments in the Palestinian arena were discussed.

On Friday Haneyya and other top Hamas officials met with the Egyptian delegation discussed the national reconciliation and highlighted the conspiracies and dangers targeting the Palestinian cause particularly the Deal of the Century.

The Hamas officials briefed the delegation on the violations committed by Israel against the Gaza Strip and its procrastination in implementing the latest understandings reached under the auspices of Egypt.

They stressed the need for more cooperation between Egypt and Hamas in the Gaza Strip to ease the suffering of the Palestinian people in the besieged enclave.

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Haneyya meets with Egyptian delegation in Gaza

Monday 4-December-2017

Head of Hamas’s Political Bureau Ismail Haneyya along with members of the bureau on Monday evening met with the Egyptian security delegation which was led by General Sameh Nabil and grouped Consul Khaled Sami and Brigadier Hammam Abu Zeid.

Earlier in the afternoon the Egyptian security delegation arrived in Gaza to follow up the reconciliation agreement signed between Hamas and Fatah Movements in Cairo last October.

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