Thu 4-July-2024

Haneyya phones Taliban leader Mullah Abdul-Ghani Baradar

Tuesday 17-August-2021

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya on Monday phoned Taliban political leader Mullah Abdul-Ghani Baradar and congratulated him on the ousting of the American occupation from Afghanistan.

According to a statement issued by Haneyya’s office the Hamas political chief told the Taliban leader that the American occupation’s departure from the Afghan soil would be a prelude to the demise of all forces of oppression including the Israeli occupation.

The Hamas leader affirmed that Palestine was filled with joy as its people watched the Afghan victory against the occupation wishing the new Afghan leadership every success in achieving unity strength and prosperity for its people.

Baradar for his part expressed his thanks and appreciation to Haneyya for his phone call expressing his hope to see Palestine and its oppressed people succeed in liberating their land and Jerusalem from the Israeli occupation

He also called on the Islamic nation and its peoples to support the Palestinian people in their struggle against the occupation.

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