Sat 21-September-2024

Haneyya urges Abbas to order the withdrawal of his forces

Sunday 4-February-2007

GAZA (PIC)– PA premier Ismail Haneyya has blamed PA chief Mahmoud Abbas over the latest wave of inter-Palestinian armed clashes in the Gaza Strip and urged him to issue decisive orders to PA security forces loyal to him to immediately stop vandalism.

“The ongoing unfortunate armed clashes are neither in the Palestinian people’s favor nor in the favor of the Palestinian unity and its just question and therefore what we urgently need is sincerity and strong will to impose terms of the agreement on the ground” the premier explained in a press conference in Gaza on Saturday.

He in this regard urged the Palestinian people to avoid resorting to guns to resolve their internal disputes affirming “Our battle against the Israeli occupation is tough and therefore the battle calls on all of us to redirect our weapons at the Israeli occupation”.

Furthermore Haneyya asserted that the Palestinian leadership should give clear and decisive orders to PA security forces loyal to Abbas to stop the security mess and to immediately return to their barracks.

The premier meanwhile described the burning of the Islamic University in Gaza at the hands of the PA presidential guards and elements of the mutiny trend in Fatah as “a serious defect in their way of thinking”.

He explained that the University is a pioneer Palestinian educational edifice that benefits Palestinian people regardless of their political affiliations. Losses inflicted on the University due to the attack were estimated at 15 million dollars.

Haneyya during a meeting with a delegation of the University’s board of trustees said that his government would donate one million dollars to contribute to the reconstruction of destroyed buildings and installations in the University.

The prime minister moreover shrugged off fabrications that Iranian officers were rounded up in the attack on the University. The fabrications were uttered by the Fatah faction in a clear attempt to deceive the Palestinian people and market its theory in the Palestinian street to justify the raid.

Under the pressure of popular disgruntlement Azzam Al-Ahmed the head of Fatah bloc in the Palestinian legislature retracted those fabrications.

Wrong decision:
In a related matter Haneyya deprecated the decision taken by the Quartet committee a couple of days ago of maintaining isolation of the PA elected government unless it meets the committee’s demands.

The Quartet calls on the Hamas-led PA government to recognize the Israeli occupation government to give up the legitimate Palestinian resistance against the occupation and to adhere to treaties signed between the PLO and Israel among other conditions. Hamas firmly rejected those demands.

“The Quartet committee should have looked at matters by the two eyes and not adopt a double-stand policy” Haneyya underlined stressing that the Quartet should have called on the Israeli occupation government to end occupation and to give the Palestinian people their legal rights.

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