Fri 20-September-2024

Hanna: No human mind can accept Israel’s siege and assaults on Gaza

Saturday 7-September-2019

Father Atallah Hanna has called on the international community and everyone who has goodwill and conscience to work on having the inhumane blockade on the Gaza Strip lifted.

Hanna Archbishop of the Palestinian Orthodox Church in Occupied Jerusalem made his remarks during his meeting on Friday with a human rights delegation from Geneva before its members traveled to Gaza.

“More than two million people live under unjust siege that has led to many humanitarian and social tragedies in the Strip which has become the largest prison in the world” the Archbishop said.

“This humanitarian tragedy must not continue in the Gaza Strip. We receive daily phone calls and messages from our people there describing their conditions and the humanitarian and social calamities which they suffer from not to mention the suffering of those people with special needs who lost limbs because of the ongoing Israeli aggression” the Christian cleric stated.

“The life in the Gaza Strip has become a nightmare. Poverty and misery are rampant everywhere as well as hunger and malnutrition. As for children to say it openly they are deprived of practicing their childhood” he added.

He stressed that Israel’s blockade and assaults on Gaza “cannot be taken in or accepted by any human mind.”

“We call upon all our friends around the world as well as all the human rights organizations and bodies to necessarily pay attention to our people in the besieged enclave” Hanna said.

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