Thu 19-September-2024

Health of hunger strikers Shadeed and Abu Fara worsens

Monday 7-November-2016

The health conditions of hunger-striking prisoners Anas Shadeed and Ahmed Abu Fara have seriously declined according to an informed source on Sunday.

Lawyer of the prisoners Ahlam Haddad told the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) that she had visited the hunger strikers in Assaf Harofeh hospital near Tel Aviv and was briefed on their health conditions.

According to Haddad Abu Fara went into a coma for four days due to acute heart disorders and started to vomit blood.

She warned that the hunger striker has become in a very serious condition and could suffer paralysis in the lower part of his body according to his doctors.

As for Shadeed the lawyer also said that his health considerably declined and his body became extremely frail calling on human rights groups to pressure the Israeli authorities to release both of the hunger strikers.

Shadeed has been on hunger strike since September 25 and Abu Fara since September 23. They are protesting their detention with no guilt.

In another development prisoners Samer al-Issawi and Munder Senawber suspended their hunger strike following Israeli pledges to respond to their demands.

According to the Palestinian commission of detainees’ and ex-detainees’ affairs Issawi and Senawber started an open-ended hunger strike on October 25 2016 to pressure their jailers to respond to a set of demands in favor of all Palestinian prisoners.

They suspended their hunger strike after the Israeli prison authority pledged to transfer all female prisoners from Damon jail to Hasharon prison as soon as possible.

The prisoners made this demand because Hasharon is not far from Israeli military courts.

The jailers also promised to transfer the female prisoners from and to courts directly without taking them to a transit prison.

Additionally doctors will be provided in jails upon requests made by sick prisoners according to the Israeli deal with the hunger strikers.

The hunger strikers also demanded the prison authority not to ban any family from visiting their relatives based on security claims and the latter said it would study their request in this regard.

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