Fri 25-October-2024

Hope of patients and students crushed by Israel

Friday 1-June-2018

With tears and kisses the family of Palestinian Mahmoud Jihad Abdel Karim Abu Ataya who was injured during the Great March of Return and breaking the siege on the Gaza Strip bid him farewell.

Abu Ataya 25 who was on the Freedom Boat which attempted to break the Israeli siege on Gaza needed treatment due to a foot injury during his participation in the Great March of Return on Land Day March 30 which marked the launch of the Great March of Return to the east of the Gaza Strip.

The dream of the young man didn’t come true but his hope which was crushed by Israel which carried an act of piracy on the Freedom Boat is still strong as he announced his intention to take part in the Second Freedom Boat to be launched by the National Committee to Break the Siege.

The young man explained to the PIC reporter the details of the piracy of the Israeli occupation against the Freedom Boat while sailing at 12 miles from the shores of the Gaza Sea.

Participation in the Freedom Boat
“I got on the boat because I tried to travel repeatedly before learning about the Freedom Boat so that I could receive treatment” Abu Ataya noted with his heart full of sorrow because he could not travel.

Speaking of the trip which included 17 from the sick wounded and students the young man explained that they have spent beautiful times on the boat since its launch from the port of Gaza.

He said: “We prayed the noon prayer and sang Palestinian traditional songs and chatted” but that joy did not last long as the Israeli navy soldiers took over the boat and abused its passengers.

He added: “The occupation forces unleashed sniffer dogs and searched us on the boat destroying our food and personal belongings and arresting us after being surrounded by seven large and small warships with machine guns directed at us in violation of the international law.”

He pointed out that the number of soldiers who besieged the 17 young people was around 70.

Interrogation and accusation
Speaking of interrogation he said that it took about an hour during which they accused us of sabotage and terrorism. “We were detained for about four hours before being released” he added.

He pointed out that the Israeli interrogators accused them of helping Hamas. Abu Ataya replied during the interrogation: “We are patients and I want to get treatment and we have nothing to do with Hamas.”

The young man said that the Israeli occupation forces tore his clothes and gave him new large-size clothes that are not suitable for him. “They gave me a robe and ripped our clothes and stole our money and mobile phones” he said.

“I will be the first participant in the next boat to tell the occupation that I will not surrender at any cost” he said.

On Wednesday night (30/5/2018) the occupation authorities released all participants onboard of the Freedom Boat to break the siege while the captain and his boat are still held by the Israeli navy.

The Freedom Boat was launched to break the siege on Gaza Strip on Tuesday morning announcing the launch of the first sea voyage to the outside world from the Gaza seaport.

The journey successfully ended preparations for the launch of the voyage including the registration of passengers and the selection of 17 citizens including sick wounded and students. The boat set sail for up to 12 nautical miles then the Israeli piracy ended the dream of the sick wounded and students.

The National Committee to Break the Siege announced that it would soon announce the launch of the Second Freedom Boat from the Gaza seaport inviting citizens wishing to travel by sea to register their names.

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