Mon 16-September-2024

IOA bulldozes lands uproots 400 palm seedlings

Wednesday 8-March-2017

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) bulldozed agricultural lands in Jericho city north of occupied Jerusalem and uprooted and stole 400 palm seedlings near al-Karama crossing between Jordan and the West Bank.

The Palestinian farmer Mohammed Awajneh said that his land was among the agricultural lands razed by Israeli bulldozers without a prior notice. He added that 400 palm seedlings which were planted two years ago were uprooted and stolen by workers brought by the IOA under the protection of Israeli soldiers.

Awajneh pointed out that the IOA claimed that these lands are located in Area C despite the fact that their owners have official documents confirming their ownership and the workers hired to work in palm cultivation in these lands have licenses.

Area C represents more than 60% of the West Bank and is under the full control of Israel.

Around 150000 Palestinian citizens live in 542 residential communities located partially or completely within Area C while 325000 Israeli settlers live in the same area in 135 settlements and about 100 outposts in violation of the international law.

70% of the lands of Area C are located within the boundaries of the local councils of the Israeli settlements; therefore Palestinians are prohibited from using or developing them.

Tight restrictions are imposed on the Palestinian construction activity in this area. Less than 1% of the Palestinian lands were planned to be developed.

Palestinians there are prevented from conducting any construction or development work and they live under a constant fear that their houses might be demolished and their lands their source of livelihood bulldozed.

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