Fri 20-September-2024

IOA carries out demolitions in W. Bank and J’lem

Tuesday 2-August-2022

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) demolished on Tuesday morning a home and two commercial structures in the West Bank province of Nablus and parts of a house in the east Jerusalem district of Silwan.

According to local sources a bulldozer escorted by Israeli soldiers stormed an area near the main entrance of Sebastia town in Nablus and embarked on knocking down a house belonging to a local resident. A family of eight was living in that house.

About one year ago the Israeli army notified the homeowner Mohamed Abul-Saud of its intent to demolish his home in the town at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

An Israeli bulldozer also demolished two commercial facilities in Bizzariya town north of Nablus.

Local official Ghassan Daghlas said that Israeli forces with one bulldozer stormed Bizzariya town and demolished a car wash and a recreational facility belonging to local residents.

Meanwhile the Israeli municipality in Occupied Jerusalem demolished on the same day parts of a house belonging to the family of Abu Wahdan in Wadi Hilweh neighborhood in Silwan district.

Israeli police officers assaulted members of the Abu Wahdan family and other citizens who gathered on a road near the house.

In Ramallah the Israeli army notified Palestinian officials in Safa village of its intent to demolish a playground at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

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