Sat 21-September-2024

IOA demolishes two Palestinian homes in J’lem

Wednesday 19-June-2019

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Monday and Tuesday demolished two homes in Jerusalem at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Local sources told Quds Press that bulldozers escorted by a large number of Israeli police forces and municipal employees stormed Shu’fat refugee camp northeast of Jerusalem and embarked on demolished a two-story house belonging to the family of Omran Alkam.

The police forces evacuated the roads near the house from cars and citizens causing tension and chaos in the area before knocking down the house.

On Monday night the Israeli municipality in Jerusalem forced the family of Abbasi to demolish its two-story house which was under construction in Silwan district south of the Aqsa Mosque claiming that it was unlicenced.

The municipality threatened to impose a financial penalty on the family if it did not remove the house with its own hands.

The family started to build the house last May in order to live in it but the municipality issued a demolition order a week ago without giving it a chance to obtain a construction permit.

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