Thu 19-September-2024

IOA flattens Jerusalemite home for the second time

Thursday 19-July-2007

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authority’s bulldozers on Thursday knocked down the home of a Palestinian Jerusalemite in Beit Hanina at the pretext he did not obtain prior permit from the IOA-controlled municipality locals reported.

They said that IOA bulldozers leveled the 150-square-meter home of Walid Khalil Al-Rajabi 47 who works as a laborer and who had constructed his home in 2004 to provide shelter for ten individuals now rendered homeless.

This is the second time the IOF bulldozers flatten the home of Rajabi where it had demolished his first home in 2003 and imposed almost a ten thousand dollars fine against him.

Large numbers of occupation border policemen surrounded the entire suburb and cordoned off the targeted home blocking citizens from reaching it.

The Israeli municipality of occupied Jerusalem seldom grants building permits to Palestinians Jerusalemites to build in their indigenous hometown while allowing alien Jewish settlers to build freely.

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