Sun 22-September-2024

IOA forces Jerusalemite to raze 4th floor of his house in Old City

Wednesday 9-September-2020

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Tuesday forced a Jerusalemite citizen to demolish the fourth floor of his house in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Hamed Hammad the homeowner said he was forced to remove the fourth floor of his house with his own hands in order to avoid paying exorbitant demolition expenses to the Israeli municipality.

Hammad started to demolish that part of the house three days ago. The house is located near the Aqsa Mosque.

In a related context an Israeli court issued a verdict in favor of the settler group Ateret Cohanim ordering the evacuation of a Jerusalemite family from an apartment building in Silwan district east of Jerusalem.

According to Wadi Hilweh Information Center the building contains three apartments accommodating 30 individuals of the Rajabi family.

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