Sat 21-September-2024

IOA forces Jerusalemite to self-demolish his house

Sunday 26-June-2022

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Sunday forced a Palestinian citizen to self-demolish his house in Jerusalem.

According to local sources the Palestinian citizen Fareed Jabir was forced to self-demolish his house in Wadi al-Joz neighborhood in East Jerusalem under the pretext of construction without a permit.

The sources underlined that Jabir’s 80-square-meter house shelters him and his disabled wife.

The IOA issues demolition orders against Jerusalemites’ houses under the pretext of construction without a permit as part of its Judaization plans in the holy city.

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IOA forces Jerusalemite to self-demolish his house

Saturday 14-May-2022

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) forced the Jerusalemite Faraj Dabash to self-demolish his house on Saturday under the pretext of construction without permit.

Local sources reported that Dabash proceeded with demolishing his house in Sur Baher village south of Jerusalem on Saturday morning to avoid paying exorbitant fines if the Israeli municipality of Jerusalem carries out the demolition on its own.

Dabash said that he was forced to demolish his 70-square-meter house that shelters him his wife and three children all under 11 years. He confirmed that he and his family have no other place to go.

According to human rights sources last week the IOA demolished 14 Palestinian-owned structures and houses leaving 19 families 90 people including 21 women and 51 children without shelter.

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