Sun 22-September-2024

IOA forces three Jerusalemites to raze their houses

Tuesday 13-July-2021

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) on Monday forced three Palestinians to demolish their homes in Occupied Jerusalem.

Local sources reported that the IOA forced the Jerusalemite Jamal Ajaj to raze his house in the Al-Sala`a neighborhood in Jabal Al-Mukabbir town south of Jerusalem.

Meanwhile locals said that Muhammad Al-Husseini was ordered to demolish his home in Wadi Qaddum Silwan town or else the occupation municipality will demolish it by its bulldozers and charge them the demolition fees.

Husseini said eight people used to live in his house and now he will have to sleep in his car.

The Jerusalemite Ezzat Ziada was also forced to carry out the demolition of his house after the Israeli Supreme Court refused to freeze the demolition decision.

The IOA is constructing roads to connect settlements in the area at the expense of the Palestinian citizens’ lands.

Ziada said that before two weeks they demolished his son’s apartment and today they are demolishing the house that had been built since 1963 in which they have lived for 27 years under the pretext of constructing a road.

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