Mon 16-September-2024

IOA notifies Jerusalemite of its intent to seize his land in Issawiya

Tuesday 11-January-2022

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Monday notified a Palestinian citizen from the east Jerusalem district of Issawiya of its decision to seize his land.

According to local sources police officers handed Ali Dirbas a notice informing him of the Israeli decision to appropriate a piece of land belonging to him in Issawiya.

The officers also erected a sign on the seized land reading that the property had been confiscated a long time ago and that it is a public area and will be used for the construction of a school.

In 2019 the Israeli municipality also notified Dirbas of its intent to seize his land under the same pretexts forcing him to fight a legal battle to prevent the measure but to no avail.

The total area of the seized land is 400 square meters and the family of Dirbas uses it as a parking lot for their private vehicles. Despite all the documents that prove his ownership of the land the IOA insists on forcibly taking it from him.

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