Sat 21-September-2024

IOA threatens to raze homes in J’lem and Ramallah

Thursday 6-August-2020

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Wednesday delivered new demolition ultimatums against Palestinian homes in Jerusalem and Ramallah as part of an escalating campaign aimed at displacing the Palestinians.

According to local sources in Jerusalem a crew from the Israeli municipality escorted by police forces stormed al-Sall’ah neighborhood in Jabel Mukaber district and handed Nihad Shiqirat a demolition notice against his house after the petition he had filed against the measure was rejected.

The house of Shiqirat is a two-story luxurious villa built on his own land.

Meanwhile the IOA in the West Bank handed Palestinian citizens in Ni’lin town in Ramallah demolition orders against homes and stop-work notices against agricultural lands.

Local sources said that the IOA notified citizens of its intents to demolish four homes and ordered others to stop reclaiming several agricultural swaths of land in the town.

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