Wed 18-September-2024

IOA to approve bill expanding courts’ jurisdiction to WB settlements

Saturday 24-June-2017

The Palestinian national office for the defense of land and resistance of settlements condemned the approval of a new bill by the Israeli Knesset which has given preliminary approval to legislation that would let Israeli administrative courts look into disputes between the government and West Bank settlers.

The national office said in its weekly report which was issued on Saturday that the approval of this bill constitutes a dangerous transformation of the Israeli policy as it aims at advancing laws that in practice impose Israeli sovereignty on Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 including settlements. This will encourage settlers to rob more of the Palestinian lands the statement highlighted.

The statement condemned the Israeli continuation of settlement construction which runs contrary to the international law and international legitimacy resolutions including UN Security Council Resolution 2334.

It also slammed the international community for remaining silent towards the Israeli violations of the international law and held it responsible for the Israeli aggressive practices in the West Bank specifically in regards with settlement activity.

The Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics showed that there is a 70.4% increase in the number of the housing units being recently constructed in the illegal settlements in the West Bank the statement pointed out.

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